Superdensity: a new model for vertical urbanism

Could ‘vertical streets’ be the next step in the evolution of the city?
Should our population explosion go up? Or go out? Which is the best way to manage growth? And can you increase density without compromising social or environmental outcomes?
Global cities grappling with density, connectivity, affordability and amenity often look to Hong Kong as an instructive model. Could Hong Kong become even denser to be a hyper case study?
2.5 billion people will move to urban areas in the next 30 years - currently 4.2 billion people live there.
Source: The United Nations
Without public spaces, we don’t deliver the ‘social license’ for density: we make more buildings and more dwellings, but we don’t necessarily provide the homes people want.
Density should be more than taller buildings. We proposed a vertical system of main streets, public parks and social infrastructure. Could ‘vertical urbanism’ support the idea of a superdense city?