Heart Foundation collab launches active design guide

A walkable built environment plays a crucial role in sustainable, age-friendly communities.
Together with the Heart Foundation, we’ve launched the Healthy Active Ageing Design Guideline to help designers create supportive environments that enable healthier ageing.
Research tells us that 24% of older Australians live alone, and 12% report needing support with one or more essential daily tasks. Combining physical activity and social engagement is the best way to keep loved ones healthy and active, and the places we design can support this goal.
The Healthy Active Ageing Design Guideline design tool is based on evidence collated by the University of Western Australia, reviewed by urban designers and town planners from all over Australia, and tested for effectiveness.
We’ve worked with the Heart Foundation since 2013 on the award-winning Healthy Active by Design website – a practical resource that helps planners, developers and local governments to design active communities.
Find out more about the tool from Robina Crook, Senior Associate at Hassell, in this Heart Foundation video.