Our studios are creative environments that inspire collaboration and invite our clients and partners in. By reimagining interesting spaces we create inspiring workplaces in prime locations in our cities.


Yuggera and Turrbal Country
Level 2, The Ice Cream Factory
45 Mollison Street
West End QLD
Australia 4101
T +61 7 3914 4000
E brisbane@​hassellstudio.​com

Visit the Brisbane studio page

22F, 169 Electric Road
North Point Hong Kong China

Visit the Hong Kong studio page

Level 1, 6-14 Underwood Street
London N1 7JQ United Kingdom

Visit the London studio page

Wurundjeri Country
61 Little Collins Street
Melbourne VIC
Australia 3000

Visit the Melbourne studio page

Whadjuk Country
Level 1
Commonwealth Bank Building
242 Murray Street
Perth WA Australia 

Visit the Perth studio page

12F, 45 Caoxi North Road
Xuhui District 200030
Shanghai China

Visit the Shanghai studio page

115 Amoy St #03-03
Singapore 069935

Visit the Singapore studio page

Gadigal Country
Level 2
Pier 8/9, 23 Hickson Road
Sydney NSW
Australia 2000

Visit the Sydney studio page