

Hassell最新重磅研究《廊道:在非线性的世界设计线性基础设施》解释了线性基建设施 — 从商业街到高速公路,从河流到轨道 — 应该,或者是“必须”更好地经过设计,为人类和环境带来更大的价值。

在该报告中,Hassell城市设计研究负责人Camilla Siggaard-Andersen清晰地指出,为了我们所生存的地球和社区,我们迫切地需要一个全新手法应对廊道的正面和负面效应并存的多维度影响。

更重要的是,通过关注基建的变革,从单一用途至利益惠及多方,该报告旨在宣传、启发并且赋能全球性的转变 —— 用更为多元、整合、以结果为导向的方式来塑造线性空间。


— Camilla Siggaard-Andersen,城市研究负责人

这是一个意义重大的挑战。根据美国中央情报局《世界概况》(CIA World Factbook)报告的估算,全球共有4000万公里的公路网、130万公里的轨道网络、63.1万公里的水路网络(数据来源:CAI.gov)。这些廊道的总和相当于环绕地球1000次的距离,同时创造出大量的连接和阻碍。建成的线性基建设施通常都会带来巨大的经济机会,社会,特别是环境方面的消耗却在迅速增加。

设计廊道的目的不只是连接A和B两个地点,我们更需要在这两点之间营造出正向且长久的优质体验 —— 为人类和自然界的一切。”

— Angus Bruce,Hassell董事、董事会董事



随着最新的《廊道》报告的推出,Hassell向政府、基建设施建设联合体、工程师和决策者等等各方公开呼吁。这也是基于三个决定性因素:目标、设计和最佳成果,提出在规划、设计和管理三个层面协作打造整合的基建设施 —— 为了社会乃至地球的福祉。


— Peter Morley,Hassell董事负责人、城市交通设计领域负责人



— Camilla Siggaard-Andersen,城市研究负责人


左:澳大利亚墨尔本,Williamstown平交道移除项目 | 摄影:Sarah Pannell 中:美国旧金山,科尔马河重建 右:上海徐汇滨江西岸公共空间
100 Hassell设计的廊道项目
1,200+ 公里线性廊道
50+ 整合的车站和节点 — 包括已建成和在建项目

Through wide-ranging cross-sector engagement, Hassell’s new Corridors report already has peer and industry support as a valuable framework for creating holistic integrated infrastructure. 

As infrastructure designers, Knight Architects is all too familiar with the competing outcomes within corridor projects. Hassell’s report is compelling in its scope and, crucially, it provides tools and a common language to facilitate action. This report should be on the meeting table from Day One of every corridor project.”

Martin Knight, Managing Director Knight Architects

The analysis of the extent of linear corridors and the parcels they create is interesting. The sentiment of multiuse and using linear corridors for so much more is spot on.”

Gareth Collins, Director, Urban Design Roads and Waterways, Transport for NSW

Hassell’s report sets out the importance of creating corridors for wildlife as well as people. Transforming urban streets intentionally into buzzing, wriggling wildlife corridors will help humans reconnect with nature and address many enormous social, environmental and economic problems in our cities and beyond.”

— Emma Cutting, Founder and Chief Doer, The Heart Gardening Project

This report shows us the key role corridors play in our towns and cities. Crucially, it highlights an opportunity to rethink our old urban motorway corridors that have severed communities and destroyed nature. Change, however, may be on the way, through the increasing use of Vision and Validate, a traffic modelling technique that shows us a better, more sustainable, way to turn these fast roads into walkable streets.”

— David Milner, Deputy Director, Create Streets

We often think of the benefits of better connecting A with B; but less of the disbenefits for those wanting to move differently. A one-dimensional approach like this does not deliver the places we need, so I welcome this illuminating investigation into corridors that helps us view movement channels through the lens of urban and environmental ecosystems to design better places.”

— Christopher Martin, Co-founder, Urban Movement

